135-1032-6713 立即咨詢KNS貼片機iX502/iX302詳情介紹:
通過軟件優(yōu)化工廠工藝程序,iX 302 和 iX 502 能很方便的加入到客戶的工廠。模塊化的設計概念在簡化操作的同時在量產環(huán)境下加強整體控制。
iX 的獨特性能對每次放置都能進行嚴格控制,已到達業(yè)界最高的良品率,從而最低化成本。高品質的產品使我們的用戶滿足最終客戶的需求。
先進的 PCB collision檢測
無撞擊力 = 無元件開裂
放置工藝檢驗 (根據 blue-print value) , 每次放置都可以進行檢驗
PCB 表面 mapping 使其它放置頭也能進行貼裝,而不影響放置高度
Conceptually smooth machine movement: low maintenance, reliable component handling and a continuous basis for accuracy, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - year after year.
Fully software controlled pick and place cycle: controlled pick, optimum acceleration and deceleration process, monitoring and controlled placement: No damage to components.
All individucal placements follow 'blue-print' values, making sure only correct PCBs leave the line.
Proven reliability of fewer than 1 defect per million placement performance.
Capacity can be added or removed in order to increase or decrease output without altering the line footprint: True capacity on demand.